Monday, January 31, 2011

Graham Little

This week's post is about British artist Graham Little.  The three pictures posted below are all done by him and all seem to have a very common, realistic theme.  Most of his work, also seemed to be portraits of young beautiful women.
 This first picture done by Little is of a young edgy beautiful woman.  The young woman shown in the picture seems to have the personality of both the tough and seductive girl.  I like the colors and shades that Little uses and how realistic he makes the woman look.  The young girl looks as though she could be a model posing for a photograph for a magazine or ad.

The two pictures above, done by Graham, seem to have the same girl or two girls that look very alike.  Both of the pictures have a very soft and angelic feel opposed to the first picture. I really like the picture of the girl in the green dress.  She seems to have a younger face, yet still gives a very seductive look.  Graham did a great job in making her body features stand out and look so real.  He used great colors and shading in both the body parts and face to make the picture look as it could be a real photograph of a real girl.  The last picture with the girl in the white and pink dress is very similar to the second picture.  It looks as though the artist used the same shades and colors to make the young girl stand out.  I really like the pose that the girl is making and how well Little made her hair look so natural and real.  The one thing I don't like about this picture is that the girl seems to be in a sitting position, yet there is nothing under her.  It makes the picture look awkward and incomplete. Again this picture looks like it could be a photograph of a real model.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Marcel Dzama

     Marcel Dzama is a contemporary artist that lives in New York and seems to be a very unusual artist in his own way.  The three paintings seen below seem to have a common theme of interesting characters performing disturbing actions.

      This first painting by Dzama shows a disturbing image of a women shooting of what looks like a wolf.  Surrounded by the helpless animal are a reindeer and a monkey with wings.  I'm not exactly sure what this picture may be depicting but my guess is that "the good" is enjoying watching "the bad"suffer.  The plain white background adds to the coldness of the picture.
      This second image called "Tree with Roots" has many different individuals, both surrounding and in the tree.  Its unusual that the only individuals that are shot and dead by the arrows are men, except for the large head of a man that seems to be worshiped at the top of the tree.  The spooky tree that has a scary face with two legs is also very disturbing.  Maybe this picture is giving off the theme of female power.

     This last picture called "The Last Winter," again has the same unusual characters.  One of the characters seem to be lying dead with only half his body, while another is being hung from the air. Like the other two images, the picture doesn't seem to show much color and gives off a disturbing vibe.  It is rather hard to understand what theme is given off this picture if there even is one. 
     Marcel Dzama definitely has his own taste in what he likes to draw.  Although all these pictures are very interesting and share a similar theme.  They are very gruesome and uncomfortable to look at it.  I would definitely not want one of his paintings lying somewhere around my house.  

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Vik Muniz

      When I first searched Vik Muniz, I learned that he wasn't a drawing artist but more of a visual artist.He used unsually products to replicate different These following pieces were the ones that had really stuck out to me.  

      This first image shows two different pieces of work based on only one.  The first picture is a cover of a Goya Painting called Saturn Devouring Son (the second picture).  The whole image was made by using different kinds of trash a junk.  This cover absolutely amazes me on how accurate Muniz was in replicating the painting.  The fact that he was able to find so many different objects that could actually give off such an image is so interesting to me.  My favorite part of Muniz's cover has to be the face of what looks like a giant monster.  The eyes stand out the most with the objects he had used.

      This second image has to be made my favorite piece of work by Muniz.  In this piece of work he took Da Vinci's Mona Lisa and made one image out of peanut butter and one image out of jelly.  This is absolutely incredible.  For many artists, it may seem almost impossible to even draw or paint the Mona Lisa with the usual utensils.  However, Muniz was able to make such accurate and amazing replicates.  I like that he is able to use different objects other than paint and pencils in his art.  It makes the art more interesting and fun to look at.
       This final piece of work by Muniz is made by our everyday food of spaghetti.  This piece of art is suppose to depict the famous Medusa.  It is so amazing how real the face of Medusa really looks and how clever it was of Muniz to use the spaghetti to depict her crazy snake hair.  The eyes and mouth look so clear and real.
      Vik Muniz is a very unique and interesting artist.  I like that all his work is somewhat different, yet each holds the similarity of being made by odd objects such as food or trash.