Monday, February 28, 2011

Dr. Lakra

Dr Lakra, also known as Jeronimo Lopez Ramirez, is a tattoo artist born in Mexico.  He takes different objects such as old Mexican magazines and dolls to display his work.  This makes him different and unique from all different types of artists. 

This first piece by Dr Lakra, is a doll that contains all different types of work by Lakra.  The doll is completely covered in all types of figures and drawings. Some of the images that can clearly be seen are the large skull at the center of her stomach and a face right above the right breast.  I find this doll to be very unique and interesting.  I also really like that Lakra did all the tattoos in blue ink.
This second piece of work by Dr Lakra, is different in that Lakra uses a picture from a Mexican magazine.  The Mexican magazine picture alone is interesting alone without the excess amount of tattoos that Lakra has placed on the naked bride.  The theme that Lakra seems to have placed on the bride are a numerous amount of snakes placed all over her body.  There is not one spot on the body that isn't covered.  The snakes are very well done and contain very unique designs.

This last piece by Dr. Lakra is by far my favorite.  I like that he used this tiny, childish doll to decorate with his work.  The designs that he chose to cover the body with are beautifully done with different shapes and sizes.  I also find it rather amusing that he uses a child's doll and that he even covered the dolls face something that you may thing a young toddler would do.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ernesto Caivano

Ernesto Caivano, an artist born in Madrid, Spain uses very detailed work in the three drawings below.  A similar theme of birds and wings seems to be very common in the drawings.  He seems to especially like doing a lot of detailed work in the wings with all types of shapes and designs.

 This first drawing by Ernesto, has a very pretty and large bird with some small branches along the bottom.  My favorite part of the drawing are the wings and how much small and beautiful detail there is. I like how the artist shaped the wings in a way that shows the movement of the bird in flight.  Another thing that I like that Ernesto does is make his paintings in black and white.
This second painting by Ernesto, is another drawing that has 2 different, beautifully done birds that are similar yet different in the shapes and designs along the wings.  The bird on the left seems to have fewer designs and shapes within its wings then the bird on the left.  I like that Ernesto could use almost any shape and design and place it on the bird and still make the bird look realistic.  Ernesto also placed a very interesting young girl in this drawing that seems to be admiring the beauty of the two birds.
This final piece of work by Ernesto is slightly different from the other two.  Although you can tell that there is a bird placed behind a beautiful flower, you can't really see its face but you can definitely see its detailed wings.  I like that you can see the way Ernesto does other pieces in his work other than birds.  I really like the large flower in front of the bird along with the realistic branches surrounding the bird.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Robin Rhode

Robin Rhode is a South African artist who creates creative art using simple objects and shapes.  When I first came along Robin Rhode, I found it very interesting that he uses very simple tools such as chalk to create his masterpieces.  I also found it rather interesting that he incorporated actual human beings to his pieces of work to complete his pieces.  Below are some of the few pieces that I really liked by Rhode.

This piece called Table Tennis by Robin Rhode, had to be my favorite of the three.  Although it seems like a simple painting of a ping pong table on a plain black wall, I really liked that there was a type of movement shown in the ball which made it more realistic.  The table even seems to look three dimensional, as if it was a real table.  Although it seems like there is paint dripping from the edges of the table, I like that the piece is simlple and unique.  I also really like that Rhode put in the young man to make it seem like he was part of an actual game.

This second piece by Robin Rhode, called Juggla, is also a piece of art that Rhode placed on a plain wall.  This actual piece also seems like it couldn't be complete without an actual human being placed into it.  Rhode placed the human being outside the wall, but he isn't actually juggling real balls.  The balls are the piece of work that are placed on the wall, yet show so much motion that they seem realistic.
I chose this third piece by Rhode, called Skateboard because the artist put three different images to show the image and different motions and movement of the skateboard.  Once again, the human is part of the art and placed over the drawn skateboard to make it seem more realistic, as if the skateboard was real.  As the images progress, it seems like the skateboard is experiencing more motion and speed.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Gabriel Orozco

Gabriel Orozco is a Mexican artist and is considered to be “one of the most influential artists of this decade.” Gabriel Orozco is a unique artist that seems to love taking unique shapes and objects and creating an interesting piece of work.

In this first piece by Orozco, he uses the shapes of hexagons that form an extended looking soccer ball.  I really like this piece of work because its different from anything I have ever seen.  I’m not sure where his viewpoint actually comes from but I like that he changes the ordinary.  Soccer is also my favorite sport so this really stood out to me.

In Orozco’s piece, called Black Kites, he uses the shapes of black diamonds and squares placed all overall a human skull.  To many, a human skull may look gross or scare certain people but the black squares and diamonds make the piece of work fun and playful.  It looks as though this skull good be used at a playhouse or circus.

This last piece by Orozco is my favorite.  It is an actually car that is taken apart in thousands of pieces.  The pieces look as though they are floating freely in thin air but if you look hard enough you can see the millions of pieces of string used to hold all this different pieces.  With the pieces all taken apart, you can notice all the unique shapes of different sizes.  It is absolutely incredible.