Monday, April 18, 2011

Arturo Herrera

Arturo is a Venezuelan artist that is know for his melding of collage and cartoons.  Below are a few examples of his work.

Although the concept seems interesting, this first piece by Herrera makes no sense to me.  All the pieces just seem to be everywhere with no central them of concept.  I feel as though he just cut up a bunch of different pieces with no similar concept and glued them on top of each other.  I can't even tell what many of the pieces are such as the big brown blog that is covering a good portion of Tweety.

I found this second piece by Herrera to not be as crazy and chaotic as the first.  The cartoon cut out in this piece looks like Pinnochio and Giuseppe except that Giuseppe is placed on the piece with no face.  I like that the artist stuck with the concept of putting the characters in something liquid instead of something that wouldn't really make sense.  I also like that the characters are in a simple black and off white and the background is much more colorful.

I like this last piece by Herrera a lot more than the other two.  Although I couldn't really tell you the theme of the picture.  The pieces seem to go together much more nicer.  The background of the outdoors and what looks like a pathway is nicely done and the objects that are glued on top of each other in the center give it that nice modern touch.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Dominic McGill

Dominic McGill is an interesting artist.  His work doesn't seem to be different pictures of faces or landscapes drawn together but rather many different strong words and phrases that give off a controversial theme of both the present and the past.

This first piece by McGill looks like pure chaos.  Most of what is in this piece is different phrases that seems that it would be too time consuming for one to actually read and understand what the artist is actually trying to tell.  I do however like the different old fashion faces placed sporadically throughout the piece.  Some of the words seem to be backwards as well, which I don't quite understand.

This piece by Dominic makes a little more sense to me.  It has more of theme about race and color and seems to show words that would represent different cultures and their controversies around the world.  I also like that the piece was placed on a wall rather than just on a piece of paper framed and placed on the wall.
This last piece by Mcgill also seems like a very controversial one that may also be about race.  Some of the images and words are really extreme and graphic.  The unusual and disturbing pictures of the pig and human like characters really bother me.  I'm trying to understand the overall theme and message that the artist is trying to tell but I can't really say I can.  I see the word black a lot but some of the words around it don't really make sense to me.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Bjorn Hegardt

Bjorn Hegardt is a Norwegian/Swedish contemporary artist that works with drawing, installation and photography.  His work really stood out to me and found it to be really unique and different from anything else I've ever seen.
This first piece by Hegardt shows really good use of line.  It looks as though the piece is one continuous line that never ends.  I like the way he made the head of the animal a chandelier that had a number of curves and look like they weave in and out of each other.  I like that the artist only used black and white but I think it would make it really interesting to see it different types of color. 

This second piece by Hegardt has to be my favorite.  I feel like you could look at it in so many different perspectives.  One way looks as if the room is floating in space without a floor or another way you could look at it is that the floor of the room looks like the night sky.  Either way you want to look at it makes it a cool drawing.  Bjorn is really good at using line and this is one great example.  The furniture and windows are so precise and perfected.

This last piece by Bjorn is slightly more simply yet very different from the other two pieces.  To most viewing this piece, it looks like the windows are kind of going around in a circle and traveling from the wall onto the floor.  I think it was a cool idea but I don't really understand its concept.  This piece is a little more boring to me than the other two.